If your website is filled with language that people just don't understand, or that sounds very "salesy" but doesn't really make sense, then stop it! What you write is intended for a HUMAN audience. So write it conversationally. Authentically. With your ideal clients best interests in mind. That's what will help you get more business!

Get rid of terms like "cutting edge" 

What does that even mean, anyway? What is "cutting edge"? And does that help you sound more experienced, more skilled, more knowledgeable? I don't think so. 

When people come to your website, they want to know if you have something they need. A solution to a problem they have. An answer to a question. A product that will help them heal or improve their lives. A program that will transform them. 

Whatever it is you offer, telling your visitors about it in a simple yet conversational manner is the best way to go. After all, you're trying to win over human beings. And because they are usually doing their due diligence on their first visit to your site, it's important that you make a good impression on them. 

So be yourself. Be genuine. Show that you know your people, their dreams, their hopes, their nightmares. And that you know how to help them. 

In this video, I show a simple way of creating copy that is genuine and effective. 

In conclusion

Do you see how simple, direct, authentic and conversational copy can make a huge difference? There's no need to talk in odd, dramatic, jargon-filled terms to anyone. Being yourself and showing that you really care about your people is what wins them over.  

Would you like some help with your project? Let me know! 

Writing effective copy and knowing how and where to place it in your website is challenging, but definitely not impossible. If you need help with your website and your copy (or just one or the other), let me know. I'd love to hear what's on your mind, and offer you help. Just Contact me and we can set up a Web Clarity Call. It's free, and lasts about 30 minutes. We'll discuss what's working, what's not and how I can help you. And at the end of the call, I'll tell you the number one thing you need to do to get on the path toward creating a website that is filled with great copy and content.